- Teaching Strategies
Shifting Your Approach to Teaching Math Word Problems
These strategies help teachers focus on building students’ language comprehension skills during math lessons.Your content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content. - Social & Emotional Learning (SEL)
Nurturing Patience in Young Children
Waiting isn’t easy, but teachers can help students develop this valuable skill through stories and games.Your content has been saved!
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Question: What Are Your Alternatives to Book Reports?
Traditional book reports can feel like a chore for students, but there are plenty of alternatives. What are your favorites?Your content has been saved!
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60-Second Strategy: Quick Sorts
In this formative assessment game, table groups compete against each other to categorize key terms and concepts from the previous night’s assignment.Your content has been saved!
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The Power of Multimodal Learning (in 5 Charts)
When students engage multiple senses to learn—drawing or acting out a concept, for example—they’re more likely to remember and develop a deeper understanding of the material, a large body of research shows.Your content has been saved!
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How to Select Effective PD Facilitators
An impactful coach—who may be among your staff—can make in-service days more meaningful and engaging for teachers.110Your content has been saved!
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How to Rethink the Objectives of Classroom Discussion
Expanding participation beyond traditional metrics like hand-raising gives more kids entry points into the conversation. - Social & Emotional Learning (SEL)
Integrating SEL Throughout the Day in Elementary School
These strategies can help elementary students build social and emotional learning skills while maintaining academic standards.126Your content has been saved!
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5-Minute Film Festival: Pi Day Ideas for Any Subject
Celebrate Pi Day with these videos and activities for any subject.200Your content has been saved!
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Using Theater Games and Activities as Brain Breaks
Students fidgeting and losing focus? These fun activities can help reenergize pre-K and elementary learners.
- Assessment
4 Ways to Boost Students’ Self-Efficacy
These strategies help students see what they have learned so they believe they can be successful in school in the future. - Student Engagement
Maintaining Students’ Focus in the Spring
Teachers can use these small ‘upgrades’ or tweaks to their regular practices to help keep students focused and involved. - Literacy
10 Picture Books That Showcase Collaboration
These entertaining stories feature collaboration and social-emotional skills to highlight the benefit of working together to accomplish a goal. - Assessment
Authentic Social Studies Assessments Through Student-Written Letters
Writing letters offers an opportunity for students to get creative, get personal, and get deeply connected to course content.325Your content has been saved!
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Supporting All Students With Special Needs
By setting high standards and encouraging a growth mindset, teachers can help all students learn to their fullest potential.208Your content has been saved!
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- Communication Skills
Building Communication Skills in Science
By taking an interdisciplinary approach to science class, teachers are able to deepen understanding of content—and sharpen literacy skills at the same time. - Project-Based Learning (PBL)
How to Introduce PBL Into a Packaged Curriculum
Even with established curriculum, teachers can produce engaging learning experiences that address required learning standards and meet students’ needs. - Project-Based Learning (PBL)
Inspiring Curiosity and Critical Thinking in Pre-K
Project-based learning can inspire young students to ask questions about their surroundings and see where their curiosity takes them.490Your content has been saved!
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6 Strategies for Scaffolding PBL in First and Second Grade
These tips for balancing structure with choice can help ensure an engaging and productive project-based learning experience for young students.276Your content has been saved!
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Practical Tips for Introducing Debate in Elementary School
With guidance, students in grades 3 through 5 can build communication and critical thinking skills through lively discussions.267Your content has been saved!
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- Literacy
10 Picture Books That Showcase Collaboration
These entertaining stories feature collaboration and social-emotional skills to highlight the benefit of working together to accomplish a goal. - Literacy
Helping Kids See the Value in Building Math Skills
Studying the lives of mathematicians can help elementary students discover a positive math identity for themselves.282Your content has been saved!
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Integrating Music and Art in Elementary School ELA
These strategies help upper elementary students strengthen their visualization skills and understanding of story elements.195Your content has been saved!
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3 Ways to Begin to Develop Preschoolers’ Literacy Skills
Developmentally appropriate activities focused on foundational reading skills can help young children have fun while they learn. - Arts Integration
4 Activities for Music and Reading Integration
An interdisciplinary approach can help elementary students deepen their appreciation for music while developing their literacy skills.272Your content has been saved!
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- Assessment
4 Ways to Boost Students’ Self-Efficacy
These strategies help students see what they have learned so they believe they can be successful in school in the future. - Formative Assessment
Using Mastery Checks to Assess Student Learning
Unlike simultaneous, class-wide tests or exit tickets, Mastery Checks allow students to demonstrate learning at their own pace. - Teaching Strategies
Scaffolding Like a Pro: Powerful Ways to Support Learning
With options ranging from tried-and-true to lesser known, these strategies for cognitive, metacognitive, and procedural scaffolding will help you set students up for success. - Homework
How to Encourage Students to Turn In Quality Work
To help prevent hastily completed assignments, teachers can share clear expectations with students and offer manageable timelines. - Teaching Strategies
How to Make One-on-One ELA Conferences Work
Middle school teachers and students can both benefit from individual conferences, and this routine makes them manageable.