You’ll find practical classroom strategies and tips from real educators, as well as lesson ideas, personal stories, and innovative approaches to improving your teaching practice. If you have any thoughts or comments about these articles, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
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- Formative Assessment
60-Second Strategy: Quick Sorts
In this formative assessment game, table groups compete against each other to categorize key terms and concepts from the previous night’s assignment.Your content has been saved!
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How to Select Effective PD Facilitators
An impactful coach—who may be among your staff—can make in-service days more meaningful and engaging for teachers.104Your content has been saved!
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How to Rethink the Objectives of Classroom Discussion
Expanding participation beyond traditional metrics like hand-raising gives more kids entry points into the conversation. - Social & Emotional Learning (SEL)
Integrating SEL Throughout the Day in Elementary School
These strategies can help elementary students build social and emotional learning skills while maintaining academic standards.142Your content has been saved!
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5-Minute Film Festival: Pi Day Ideas for Any Subject
Celebrate Pi Day with these videos and activities for any subject.124Your content has been saved!
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Using Theater Games and Activities as Brain Breaks
Students fidgeting and losing focus? These fun activities can help reenergize pre-K and elementary learners. - Diversity
6 Strategies to Support Students With Non-Traditional Family Structures
Schools can avoid unintentionally alienating students by ensuring that all family structures are represented and welcomed. - Administration & Leadership
Turning Isolated Wins Into Collaborative Growth
How can school leaders ensure that high-quality teaching strategies are shared with all staff? This three-step plan can make PLCs more effective. - Administration & Leadership
Question: What Can a Principal Do to Help You Feel Seen and Heard?
The best school leaders ensure that teachers are supported. What actions—big or small—help you feel truly seen and heard by your principal? - Administration & Leadership
4 Ways School Leaders Can Ask Better Questions of Their Staff
Administrators can adopt a coaching model to help elicit the best thinking around school challenges and initiatives.141Your content has been saved!
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