Adam Fried
Dr. Adam D. Fried
Dr. Fried is an effective and dynamic school leader with an expertise in the development of Digital Education and Curriculum, with a focus on community involvement. During his tenure as Superintendent of the Harrington Park District (NJ) he has overseen the successful implementation of numerous sustainable change initiatives that radically transformed the learning culture of the district while increasing student achievement and staff engagement. Adam has received numerous awards and acknowledgments for his work as a professional educator. He is a Jefferson award winner, Educational Technology Panelist, Member of NJASA and BCASA Executive Boards, Professor of Educational Leadership and national presenter on multiple educational topics. Currently, Adam is a pedagogical leader of staff through a research based evaluation model, which has been recognized as a best practice for the NJ Department of Education. Currently, Adam is also mentoring Ed-Tech start ups to support them in the build, measure, learn cycle. He is also husband to Dr. Nicole Fried and Daddy to Ella and Amelia.