Anne-Lise Halvorsen
Associate Professor, Teacher Education, Michigan State University
Anne-Lise Halvorsen is an associate professor of teacher education, specializing in social studies education, at Michigan State University. Halvorsen’s work focuses on elementary social studies education, particularly for children from low socio-economic backgrounds, the history of education, teacher preparation in the social studies, and the integration of social studies and literacy. She is author and co-author of several journal articles and book chapters, and she co-authored, with Jere Brophy and Janet Alleman, the third edition of the social studies methods textbook, Powerful Social Studies for Elementary Students. She is also author of A History of Elementary Social Studies: Romance and Reality (Peter Lang, 2013). She teaches undergraduate courses in elementary social studies education and field instruction and doctoral courses in teacher education, quantitative methods, and the history of education. Halvorsen is involved in K-12 settings, most recently as a consultant for a Teaching American History Grant that used lesson study. She currently serves on the Executive Board of the AERA Social Studies Research SIG as newsletter editor, on the Editorial Board of Theory and Research in Social Education, on the Executive Board of the College and University Faculty Assembly—National Council for the Social Studies, and on the Board of the Michigan Council for History Education. She is a former kindergarten teacher and former curriculum writer for the state of Michigan.