Barbora Bridle

Director of Professional Development at a DC area independent school

My journey as an educator began in 2002, when I received my teaching certification, and later my Master’s in Education from California State University. Foundational and formative to my classroom experience were six years of teaching in a high achieving and highly diverse public school system in Irvine, California. However, my path in this field has also included a variety of other interesting experiences such as teaching outdoor science to inner-city kids, volunteering at a center for street children in Oaxaca, Mexico, and teaching adults English and Czech as a second language.

I interned at DC Public Schools on the Human Capital Team which had just launched the new teacher evaluation system, IMPACT. I was able to transfer and translate these skills to an overseas post in Islamabad, Pakistan, where I advised and reported on pre-service teacher preparation project funded by USAID.

Currently I am the Director of Professional Development in a private school in the Washington DC area.

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