Bob Dillon

Leader, Learner, Idea Generator

Dr. Robert Dillon serves the students and community of the School District of University City as Director of Innovative Learning. Prior to this position, he served as a teacher and administrator in public schools throughout the Saint Louis area. Dr. Dillon has a passion to change the educational landscape by building excellent engaging schools for all students. He looks for ways to ignite positive risk taking in teachers and students and release trapped wisdom into the system by growing networks of inspired educators. Dr. Dillon serves on the leadership team for Connected Learning, a Saint Louis based organization designed to reshape professional development to meet today's needs. Dr. Dillon has had the opportunity to speak throughout the country at local, state, and national conferences as well as share his thoughts and ideas in a variety of publications. He is the author of four book including his most recent on learning space design. He is supported by his wife and two daughters, and spends the remainder of his time running and cycling.

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