Cathy Davidson

Primary School Teacher

Cathy has worked in primary schools in Victoria, Australia, for more than 25 years as a classroom teacher, math intervention teacher, and math instructional coach. Her role as a coach included working closely with both individual teachers and teams of teachers. She has also led whole-school professional development days and has co-presented at the Mathematical Association of Victoria’s Annual Maths Conferences.

In 2021, she worked as a math tutor with small groups of students who are in their second or third year of school as part of the Department of Education’s Tutor Learning Initiative, which was designed to support students whose learning has been disrupted as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Since 2018 she has been writing blog posts and sharing ideas on a range of current mathematics teaching and learning topics. You can find Cathy on her website, The Maths Forest, and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.


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