Cheryl Young
Educator in Private Practice: Entrepreneurship Education & Sustainabilty Ed
As an educational entrepreneur, I invite all who care about youth entrepreneurs to explore how you either can or are encouraging youth to use/develop their creative and innovative talents and skills. Entrepreneruship is a natural way to teach how to problem solve, collaborate, create, connect Globally which are all 21st Century skills. Join this discussion and share your ideas, resources and stories of youth who are realizing their entrepreneurial dreams. Studies show that 60% of youth are interested in enterpreneurship but few have the guidance and resources needed to go forward. Youth have a 25% unemployment rate. This number truly troubles me.
website www.entre.ed.org
This website is a rich resource for curriculum, connections with many organizations, educators and individuals who share this mission. The Partnership for 21st Century Skills now includes enterpreneurship.
My professional experience includes a Masters Degree from World Learning, School for International Training, Brattleboro, Vt. Internship in Cameroon, Africa. Teaching in the International School in Frankfurt, Germany. Now, as an Ambassador for the Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education here in Vermont, I seek to expand the knowledge of how to integrate entrepreneurship and sustainability across curriculum starting in Kindergarten and encouraging it as a lifelong skill.
Currently, I am working on several projects in teaching/coaching, alternative education in classrooms, planning and administration of Rosie's Girls, a non-traditional careers experienced based program, featuring sustainability and entrepreneurship education.
So come on in. Let's make this the most exciting group on Edutopia!!