Forbes' journalist on global education, edTech, game-based learning, and parenting. Doing my best to un-educate students in the classroom at Temple University.
I am full-time father of two little boys. I teach in Temple University's Intellectual Heritage Department. I write regularly for Forbes, Mindshift KQED, HuffPo, and the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop. I speak internationally about edTech, game based learning, and 21st Century parenting. My work looks at technology and popular culture from the perspectives of Jungian & Archetypal psychology and phenomenology & Heideggerian philosophy. In particular, I study the ways video games (and other new forms of interactive storytelling) teach us to make sense of the world. My most recent book is: "FREEPLAY: A Video Game Guide to Maximum Euphoric Bliss." Email: