Kevin Good
University of Maine at Farmington
Kevin Good, M.A., M.Ed., ABD, is the coordinator of the Assistive Technology Demonstration and Consultation Center and teaches in the Special Education program at the University of Maine at Farmington. His focus in special education has resulted in various experiences including teaching, research, advocacy, and consulting. Kevin’s primary teaching and research is on assistive technology (AT), inclusive education, teacher education, academic and behavioral instructional interventions, and best practices in instruction and technology use. He has presented to educators across the country on a variety of topics, including accessibility, writing instruction, computer-based graphic organizers, innovative technology uses in the classroom, inclusive education practices, and T-PACK. Prior to his present position, Kevin was a fellow at George Mason University serving under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs. Kevin has several years teaching experience at the K–12 level and has worked in higher education since pursuing his doctorate. Currently, Kevin is finalizing his dissertation, which focuses on technology use for improving the writing skills of students with emotional behavioral disorders and autism spectrum disorders.