Lisa Johnson
TechChef4u CEO, Speaker, ADE 2013, Eanes ISD 1:1 iPad K-12, Social Geek, Mom of Two Mobile Natives
Just Google “iPad Lessons” and Lisa Johnson’s creations and curations can be readily found across a variety of social networks. Recognized as an Apple Distinguished Educator in 2013 and recent nominee for the National Bammy Awards in Educational Technology, Lisa thoughtfully and diligently models and shares the transformational power of mobile devices and professional learning networks within the global edusphere.
Creator of the TechChef4u app and blog, Co-host of “Appy Hours 4 U” and “iVengers Radio”, and Co-Author of the professional development hit “Hot Apps 4 HOTS” with close to 20,000 international downloads, Lisa Johnson offers a unique perspective as she is embedded at the intersection of where all stakeholders in technology integration meet.
Mother of two mobile natives, Educational Technologist supporting a K-12 1:1 Pad school district, nationally recognized speaker, international curriculum writer, and consultant for multiple educational technology firms, Lisa Johnson has the ability to see and share how technology can impact and redefine pedagogy, assessment, instruction, and the four walls of the classroom.
Blending purposeful technology integration with wit and a dollop of app-thusiasm, Lisa Johnson addresses hot topics ranging from SAMR and 21st century learning to formative assessment, fostering students as authors, differentiated instruction, e-portfolios, workflow, curation, collaborative cultures, device neutral classrooms, and the ever evolving classroom dynamic. Bringing her own unique home roasted blend of pedagogy and perspective, Lisa Johnson empowers educators with the critical ingredients to cook up a new recipe for learning.