Patrick Waters
Educator, Writer, Maker
Patrick Waters, M.ed is an award-winning a MakerEd writer and educator. What’s MakerEd? MakerEd is an educational philosophy celebrating the learning process which occurs when a person makes something interesting. MakerEd involves a little of everything: community outreach, technological literacy, arts, craftwork, engineering, mathematics, outdoor environmental education, wearing a tool belt, generally being awesome and so on. Patrick Waters doesn’t just create robots and woodworking, he helps craft children into thinking, problem-solving, engaged adults. Mr. Patrick has taught at a variety of developmental levels in a middle school/high school, specializing in students with neurological differences. When he’s done teaching young adults, he teaches normal-aged adults at local makerspaces. He regularly posts updates on his work at www.woodshopcowboy.com, a blog at the crossroads of sawdust, education and making.