Pete Reilly
Author, "A Path with Heart: The Inner Journey to Teaching Mastery" and "In the Garden of Hearts: Meditations, Consolations, and Blessings for Teachers"
Pete Reilly is a lifelong educator and author ("A Path with Heart: The Inner Journey to Teaching Mastery", and "In the Garden of Hearts: Meditations, Consolations, and Blessings for Teachers"). A former English teacher and educational administrator. He has served as coach, mentor, and consultant to many school superintendents, district administrative teams, and classroom teachers. Pete has more than 30 years experience helping educators develop their unique gifts, as well as their classroom and leadership effectiveness. He has assisted dozens of school organizations initiate and navigate transformational change.
Pete's latest book, "In the Garden of Hearts: Meditations, Consolations, and Blessings for Teachers" is aimed at supporting and inspiring the hearts of teachers and providing them with space…space to step back and look at teaching, and their lives, from a different perspective, a wider lens that may open doors to new ways of thinking about themselves, their classrooms, and their students.
Pete's first book "A Path with Heart: The Inner Journey to Teaching Mastery" is an invitation to think about great teaching as a journey of personal and professional self-discovery. Master Teachers understand, and research confirms, that it’s not only what we “know” about our subject and pedagogy that determines our effectiveness; but also how well we know our students and ourselves.
His blog,"The Teacher's Path" is a winner of Edublog's Best Newcomer Award.
Pete is a certified Master Somatic Coach and holds a black belt in Aikido.