William Tolley

Learning and Innovation Coach at the International School of Curitiba

I am the Learning and Innovation Coach and Head of History at the International School of Curitiba, Brazil.

I formerly taught Advanced Placement World History and Global History and supervised the Model United Nations program at Manhattan Center for Science and Mathematics in East Harlem, New York. Prior to my tenure in New York City, I served as the Academic Counselor at Ewha Girls’ Foreign Language High School in Seoul, South Korea where I also taught Writing, International Studies and World History. I hold a Bachelor of Arts in History and Middle Eastern Studies from Rutgers University, a Master of Arts in Social Studies Education from Teachers College, Columbia University and a graduate certificate in School Supervision and Leadership from Johns Hopkins University.

My worldview has been called "Wildmind Satyagraha Bright Green Cosmopolitan Civic Communitarian," but only by me.


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