Blended Learning
Looking for the right mix of face-to-face instruction with technology-mediated activities? Find tips and resources for structuring learning across a range of blended-learning models.
Modeling Blended Learning in PD
When teachers have opportunities to participate in blended learning, they’re better able to replicate the strategies with students.226Your content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.4 Tips for Teachers Shifting to Teaching Online
An educator with experience in distance learning shares what he’s learned: Keep it simple, and build in as much contact as possible.22.3kYour content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.A 5-Step Guide to Making Your Own Instructional Videos
Replacing your lectures with self-made videos can boost students’ engagement and free you up to work with them directly.15.1kYour content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.Station Rotation: Differentiating Instruction to Reach All Students
Rotation stations allow students to learn in a range of modalities, while making differentiation manageable for one teacher.12.7kYour content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.How to Make Effective Videos for Learning
Instructional videos can help students learn at their own pace and free up time for teachers to support students individually.8.2kYour content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.Effective Instructional Models for a Hybrid Schedule
It can be a challenge to engage students when they’re at school only a few days a week—station rotations and flipping the classroom can help.7.4kYour content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.Powerful, Lesser-Known Tech Tools for Teachers
Efficiency and engagement are critical components of online learning—these often-overlooked, free tools can boost both.6.1kYour content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.How to Make Station Rotation Work During Hybrid Learning
Implementing this method makes dividing a teacher’s time between students in class and those working at home much easier.6.8kYour content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.Lessons From a Summer of Teaching in a Hybrid Classroom
When some students are in class and others are attending live online, teachers have unique challenges and opportunities.6.5kYour content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.Making Self-Paced Learning Work for Younger Kids
This differentiation approach frees teachers up to meet students’ needs. The result? Students only tackle material they’re ready for, and all students achieve mastery.4.4kYour content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.Extending Classroom Management Online
Nine suggestions to help you provide online learners with class norms and expectations and a sense of community.8.5kYour content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.Using AI Tutors to Flip Your Classroom
Teachers can set up AI tutors to create personalized learning experiences for students at home, freeing up time for collaboration and active learning in class.832Your content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.6 Tech Strategies to Create Stronger Readers
Tools and strategies to motivate reluctant readers, facilitate deeper comprehension, and level the playing field among students of differing abilities.4 Tools for a Flipped Classroom
Whether students do the advance work at home or in class, these tools help teachers track their work and assess their understanding.5.2kYour content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.Are We Innovating, or Just Digitizing Traditional Teaching?
Blended learning has the potential to transform the way teachers teach and students learn—if we take advantage of all that it offers5.8kYour content has been saved!
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