George Lucas Educational Foundation

Developing Agency With Student-Led Conferences

When students lead meetings with their parents and teachers, they gain a voice in their education and develop skills like goal-setting and metacognition.

January 14, 2019

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This video is part of our How Learning Happens series, which explores teaching practices grounded in the science of learning and human development. 

Schools That Work

University Park Campus School

Public, Urban
Grades 7-12
Worcester, MA

Many students arrive to University Park Campus School — an urban public school in Worcester, Massachusetts — with limiting beliefs about what their future could hold. Through group work, team problem solving, student-led meetings, low-stakes writing, and reflection, UPCS transforms students’ self-image, fostering young people who take ownership of their actions and lives and believe in the success of their future.

  • From 2010-2015, students improved 52% between 8th and 10th grade on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) state test for Science and Technology.
  • Rated silver in the U.S. News and World Report Best High Schools of 2015.
  • Since 2012, 100% of graduates were accepted to college, 85% enrolled, and 80% are now on track to graduate within 6 years.
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