
Student Achievement Skyrockets at a Tucson Elementary School

An effective classroom-based program of differentiated instruction, called Reteach and Enrich, kicked off eight straight years of success at Mesquite Elementary.

September 27, 2011

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A comparison of student performance in math on Arizona's Instrument to Measure Standards (AIMS) between Mesquite Elementary School and the state of Arizona, shows that Mesquite meets and exceeds state standards. Reteach and Enrich was implement between 20
Infographic: Maili Holiman
Sources: Vail School District and Arizona Department of Education.

Reteach and Enrich began in the 2002-03 school year. Students are given weekly assessments designed to measure students' understanding of each week's math concepts. Based on assessment results, students are placed into groups receiving either re-teaching or enrichment activities. At the end of the year, statewide tests measure students' overall math level. After the Reteach and Enrich program, the number of third-, fourth-, and fifth-graders meeting and exceeding state math standards increased significantly. Teachers at Mesquite report that Reteach and Enrich was key to the increase in test scores; however, since this was not a controlled study, it should be noted that many other factors could also explain the increase.

School Snapshot

Mesquite Elementary School

Grades 3-5 | Tucson, AZ
601 | Public, Suburban
Per Pupil Expenditures
$6252 School$6815 District$7609 State
Free / Reduced Lunch
31% Hispanic
7% Black
5% Asian
1% Other

12% special needs
3% English-language learners

Data is from the 2010-11 academic year.